WhatsApp for Business

Short time Notifications Convert more easily and sell more quickly.

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Connect with Your Website Visitors

Create distinctive, bespoke crusades. Attract customers using many problems that compromise your results. Complete visibility of your email performance is achieved through simple-to-read analytics that include delivery, opens, and clicks, but that's just the beginning.

Automate alerts and notifications

Send order updates, delivery alerts, reminders, and more at a fraction of the cost of traditional messaging channels, while achieving high open rates.

Support customers on WhatsApp

Give your support team the ability to engage and assist customers on WhatsApp Business. Agents handle tickets 3x faster compared to phone calls.

Send rich promotional messages

Cut through the noise, move your email marketing to WhatsApp and take advantage of up to 75% read rates and 15% click-through rates.

WhatsApp for Business Partner

Verified business accounts

We help you navigate the WhatsApp for Business sign up process through streamlined, end-to-end onboarding.

Full WhatsApp feature set

We enable users to take advantage of all WhatsApp has to offer including Template Messages, rich media, and more.


The best business tools for WhatsApp

The fastest, most effective automatable communication platform for WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business API

Build, scale, integrate, and quickly move to production with our REST API. Rapidly prototype in our WhatsApp Sandbox, use the complete WhatsApp feature set, and drive engagement all through a single API.

curl -X “POST” “https://conversations.messagebird.com/v1/send” \\-H “Authorization: AccessKey YOUR-API-KEY” \\-H “Content-Type: application/json” \\
–data ‘{ “to”:”+31XXXXXXXXX”, “from”:”WHATSAPP-CHANNEL-ID”, “type”:”text”, “content”:{ “text”:”Hello!” }, “reportUrl”:”https://example.com/reports” }’



Inbox is where your team interacts with customers through WhatsApp conversations. It gives your team full context from previous conversations and order history, and has powerful automations for chat bots, auto-replies, and more. Plus, it works natively across all the channels you use like Messenger, SMS, Twitter, WeChat, and more.

Flow Builder

Build, scale, integrate, and quickly move to production with our REST API. Rapidly prototype in our WhatsApp Sandbox, use the complete WhatsApp feature set, and drive engagement all through a single API.

Why WhatsApp with Wordbox?

Perfect Delivery

Reach the inbox of your client.

Center your attention on your core business, and let us handle all of the technical details. Through unique IP warmups, email approval, and maintaining shipper reputation with dedicated IPs, we ensure that your communications reach the mailbox.

Connect your wayYou decide.

Integrate WhatsApp Business API into your existing system or have full access to a world of customer engagement with Moments, Conversations, and Answers.

Center your attention on your core business, and let us handle all of the technical details. Through unique IP warmups, email approval, and maintaining shipper reputation with dedicated IPs, we ensure that your communications reach the mailbox.